Guardsmen Reach Camp Beauregard

  • Historical Date: October 28, 1940
  • Location:Camp Beauregard, Alexandria, Louisiana

Alexandria, LA., Oct. 28 – Western Michigan units swelled 32nd Division ranks at Camp Beauregard over the week-end.

Latest arrivals were Muskegon, Grand Haven and Holland companies of the 126th Infantry; Co. H, 107th Medical Regiment of Detroit; Co. E and H, 126th Infantry, Ionia and Big Rapids; the 3rd Battalion, 126th Infantry, Grand Rapids, with 536 men, and the 107th Medical detachment and Regimental band, Romulus.

Twelve planes of the 107th observation squadron were due to land sometime today.

Yesterday, dozens of Michigan men visited cotton fields and sugar cane plantations.

Mosquitos and chiggers plagued the soldiers in their first days here but Maj. Gen. Irving A. Fish of Milwaukee, Division Commander, expects them to be acclimated in another week.1


Camp Beauregard awaiting soldiers.

Once the expected 75,000 national guardsmen from the Dakotas, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota and Illinois move in on Camp Beauregard, La., above, there’ll be plenty of life among these barracks. Engineer troops from the regular army have started to prepare the great base camp around which will cluster several other camps.2


  1. Muskegon Chronicle, Oct. 28, 1940, page 1.
  2. Muskegon Chronicle, Oct 5, 1940.



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