- Historical Date: November 5, 1940
- Location:Camp Beauregard, Louisiana
Photo: Unknown soldier, Carl Stenberg, and Benjamin Viau at Camp Beauregard, Louisiana in 1940.
Camp Beauregard, La., Nov. 5 — Members of Company G, 126th infantry, from Muskegon, got by the first rainy day in Camp Beauregard with none of the boys suffering from the weather.
While the Michigan boys called the rain a severe one, with the water falling in torrents all afternoon and far into the evening, the Louisiana folks said it was “just a shower.” They remember that during the army maneuvers in this area last spring it rained 42 consecutive days.
But the sun came out again Friday and the boys are back in the stride of the training program.
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The biggest news of the week in Company G was the birthday party for Sergt. William S. Hart. Pvt. Benjamin Viau, former violinist with Charles Bird’s orchestra in Muskegon, went over into Company f from Grand Haven and found three musicians to join him in furnishing music for the occasion.
Company F sent over Pvts. Joseph Harden, Russell Moss, and John Carsadon. Harden played a guitar, Moss a bazooka and Carsadon a harmonica. The boys did a lot of singing and had some refreshments. There were gifts for the sergeant, too.
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Company G has a new bugler, Pvt. Neil Koehler. The orders for the training scheduled were changed slightly Thursday and instead of getting up at 5:30, the boys now sleep until 6 a. m. and leave for the training area at 7:15. It still is dark even at 6 a. m. and the air damp, so the division officers held the extra half hour sleep would do the boys more good.
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Corp. Hugh Hislop has been acting mess sergeant of Company G. He found the job a little trying Friday because of the shortage of rations, but none of the boys went hungry and there were no complaints on the food at the morning meal. The situation cleared for the noon and evening meals, but the mess sergeants were caught a bit short Thursday, when they were not issued rations a day ahead as usual, because it was the final day of the month. this won’t occur again, because the sergeants will draw more ahead as the end of the month approaches.
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Col. William Haze, the regimental commander, is one of the soldiers of his regiment. He took a rifle Friday and went down into the training area to train with the boys. And every morning he gets out in front of regimental headquarters to take the setting up exercises. One company each morning does its exercises in front of the regimental headquarters so the regimental officers can get out with them.
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Company F from Grand Haven has had no men on sick call since the unit left home. While there has been no serious illness or injury to any of the men in the regiment most of the companies have needed the service of the medical men for colds, toothaches or other minor cases.
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Pvt. Joseph Yob has been choses by Capt. Harold M. Hootman of Company G as his orderly.
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The boys received their first pay since mobilization Saturday. they were paid for all service in October. It cam at the right time with camp leaves granted from Saturday noon to Sunday evening. 1
Strohpaul, Aurey. “With The Boys At Camp Beauregard.” Muskegon Chronicle, 5 Nov. 1940.