Yule Leaves for Guardsmen Sought

  • Historical Date: November 28, 1940
  • Location:Camp Beauregard, Louisiana

Photo: James Schultz (left) and two other soldiers in Louisiana.

Alexandria, La., Nov. 29 -(AP)- Thirty-second Division headquarters reported today it was attempting to secure five-day Christmas leaves for Michigan and Wisconsin National Guardsmen undergoing training at Camp Beauregard.

Officials reported it was up to corps headquarters to make a decision. If granted, 10,600 men would be involved.1



The men of the 32nd Division had been away from home about a month, and we hoping to get a few days off to go home for Christmas, at which point they would have been gone for about two months. It probably seemed like a long time to be away, training for a war that the U.S. was not yet fighting. It would be just over a year from that point that the Japanese would bomb Pearl Harbor and the U.S. would join the war. But they didn’t know that yet; the biggest concern was if they would get to go home for Christmas. One more Christmas before the war became a reality for them.




  1. Unknown newspaper, probably Muskegon Chronicle, November 28, 1940



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