Company G Men Resume Training

  • Historical Date: January 3, 1941
  • Location:Camp Beauregard, Louisiana

Long Vacation Trip to Muskegon Ends, Busy Days Ahead

Camp Beauregard, La., Jan 3 – (Special) – Their Christmas leave at an end, the members of Co. G. 126th Infantry today started on a training schedule planned to make up for the 10-days’ Christmas vacation.

The 44 men, who spent the leave at their homes in Muskegon, had messages and news for those who remained in camp. The return trip was just as tiresome as the one from camp to Muskegon. There was a stopover at Chicago, where the soldiers were given a chance for exercise. Then, after the men boarded the train, there was a delay while they moved up two coaches. Just after getting under way, two playful soldiers from another unit pulled the emergency bell rope and that resulted in another 90-minute delay.

It was 9:30 p.m. when the mean reached camp, and hot coffee and cookies helped revive their spirits. A half hour later, however, all were in their bunks.

Sergeant John M. Groulx was in charge of the Muskegon soldiers on their trip to and from Muskegon. 1


The train ride home sounds like an ordeal, but it was nothing compared to the travel that was still in their future.

  1. Unknown newspaper, probably Muskegon Chronicle.
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