Company G Prepares for Intensive Rifle Training

  • Historical Date: January 17, 1941
  • Location:Camp Beauregard, Louisiana

Men Eager to Tryout New M-1 Garand at Camp Beauregard in Two Classes.

By Sgt. William S. Hart

Camp Beauregard, La., Jan. 17
–As Co. G prepares to go on the range for three days of instruction and four days of record firing, men are all keyed up. Tapering off on pre-range training has been completed. All men are ready to be tested for qualification as a marksman sharpshooter or expert.

Old-timers are eager to get to work with the new M-1 Garand rifle. Co. G. has 36 of these new weapons. After almost three months of handling the new Garand, the men are up to the peak of training in the care and cleaning, operation, nomenclature, of this arm.

Company G will be divided into classes. The first platoon, to fire the M-1, are the older men, also those able to adapt themselves as instructors in marksmanship. Next is the Specialist class, such as cooks, mess sergeants, company mechanic, supply sergeant, company clerk and truck drivers, of which there are 15.

In addition Company G has 24 men from Company H, a machine gun unit which has truck drivers, and Co. H.Q. men to fire the older 1903 model along with their cooks.

Meals will be served in the range where light packs will be carried. The ranges is 11 miles from the company street. Capt. Herald M. Hootman, in command of Co. G, is the range officer with full authority and responsibility of safety measures. Sgts. William S. Hart and William K. Ziegler, are in charge of records and range movements.

First Sgt. John M. Groulx and Sgt. Ziegler have finished their examination for potential officers.

Friday the company went on a 12-mile hike with the four infantry regiments, the 125th, 126th, 127th and 128th.

Company G is often called upon to lead the Battalion on marches and formations.

Under a new regulation, the 126th Infantry will wear steel helmets until further notice.

General health of the men is fine, despite a few colds here and there.

Pvt. Harvey Alexander and PFC Mac Knowles, have been selected to attend the school for Enlisted Intelligence operations. The men must be of high intelligence, must of a clear knowledge of military organization and be acquainted with all branches of military units.1





  1. Hart, Sgt. Willam S. “Company G Prepares for Intensive Rifle Training.” Muskegon Chronicle, 17 Jan. 1941.
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